The Yoga of time travel (How the Mind Can Defeat Time)
Wolf, Fred Alan
Most of us assume, as Alice does, that whatever we can remember has already taken place. If asked why we don't remember scenes from our future, we might answer: " Because, dummy, they haven't happened yet!" But as the Queen in Lewis Carroll's delightful book suggests, perhaps we do have memories of the future, however nonsensical that may sound. Consider the albeit radical possibility that the Queen is right: memory does work both ways. That is , you are perfectly able to remember the future just as well as you can recall the past. Further, consider that having a two-way memory could lead, as the Queen suggests, to distinct advantages. For example, it might help you deal with synchronicities and experiences of dejavu, avoid health problems, make significant predictions about your life, and offer many other benefits, as may become clear as this book unfolds.