Glencoe World History Hq

Jackson J. Spielvogel

Jackson J. Spielvogel is associate professor emeritus of history
at The Pennsylvania State University. He received his Ph.D.
from The Ohio State University, where he specialized in
Reformation history under Harold J. Grimm. His articles and
reviews have appeared in such journals as Moreana, Journal
of General Education, Archiv für Reformationsgeschichte, and
American Historical Review. He has also contributed chapters
or articles to The Social History of the Reformation, The Holy
Roman Empire: A Dictionary Handbook, Simon Wiesenthal
Center Annual of Holocaust Studies, and Utopian Studies. His
book Hitler and Nazi Germany was published in 1987 (fourth
edition, 2001). His book Western Civilization was published in
1991 (fourth edition, 2000). He is the co-author (with William
Duiker) of World History, published in 1994 (third edition,
2001). Professor Spielvogel has won five major universitywide teaching awards, and in 1997, he became the first winner of the Schreyer Institute’s Student Choice Award for innovative and inspiring teaching.

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