This guide is intended to be used by general education teachers, reading
specialists, English as a Second Language (ESL) teachers, special
education teachers, and teachers seeking an additional resource for
classroom activities. This guide is intended to be both flexible and
versatile. Its use is to be determined by teachers in order to fit the unique
circumstances and specific needs of their classrooms and individual
students. Teachers whose students would benefit from enhanced oral
language practice may opt to use the Transition Supplemental Guide as
their primary guide for Listening & Learning. Teachers may also choose
individual activities from the Transition Supplemental Guide to augment
the content covered in the Tell It Again! Read-Aloud Anthology. For
example, teachers might use the Vocabulary Instructional Activities,
Syntactic Awareness Activities, and modified Extensions during smallgroup instruction time. Reading specialists and ESL teachers may find
that the tiered Vocabulary Charts are a useful starting point in addressing
their students’ vocabulary learning needs.