નિજદોષ દર્શનથી... નિર્દોષ !(Nijdosh-Darshan-Thi-Nirdosh)(Gujarati)

Niruben Amin

Once you get this knowledge (knowledge of self-realization), you will be able to see and analyze whatever is happening within you. This analysis within you is an area that sheds light on knowledge of worldview. It can be said that it is not the knowledge of the complete worldview, but a part of it. You will be able to see both likes and dislikes. No anger towards good thoughts and no hatred towards bad thoughts. You don't need to see what is good and what is bad because it is not in your control. What will the jnani (self-enlightened) be seeing? They see the world as innocent. The wise know that whatever is happening in this world is the discharge of what was charged before. They know that the world is not guilty. Getting insulted or quarreling with your superior is a discharge of your past karma (prarabdha, bhagya), your superior is only instrumental. No one can be blamed in this world. All the mistakes you see are your own. You have big and small mistakes. Small mistakes are destroyed by the grace of Jnanipurush. A person who does not have self-knowledge (spiritual openness) always sees the fault of others but never sees his own fault. In this book, Param Pujya Dadashri (Spiritual Scientist) has presented the understanding of attaining flawless vision, its method, its importance and the way to sustain it. When you gain self-knowledge, you are not biased towards your mind, words, body. This honesty makes you see your own faults and you can feel peace within yourself.

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