Agnes And Egerton Castle

As the wind rattles the casements with impotent clutch, howls down the stair turret with the voice of a despairing soul, creeps in long irregular waves between the tapestries and the granite walls of my chamber and wantons with the flames of logs and candles; knowing, as I do, that outside the snow is driven relentlessly by the gale, and that I can hope for no relief from the company of my wretched
self, for they who have learnt the temper of these wild mountain winds tell me the storm must last at least three days more in its fury,I have bethought me, to keep from going melancholy crazed altogether, to set me some regular task to do.

Boosting Young Minds: The Role of Digital Libraries in Children's Education In our increasingly digital world, instilling a love for reading...(Read more)